The Art Alley Mural Project

The Art Alley Mural Project


Arts Etobicoke, Susan Rowe Harrison, William Lazos and Etobicoke youth


The Art Alley Mural Project


Arts Etobicoke produced this mural as part of the organization’s participation in Amnesty International’s Project: Urban Canvas – A mural series celebrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Art Alley Mural brings poetry to the Village of Islington with this specially commissioned poem by Dionne Brand, the City of Toronto’s Poet Laureate. It is located on the wall in the alley immediately east of Arts Etobicoke’s office and gallery.

THE POEM is based on Article 13 from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.